What is SCALP and why do I need to know it?
The Safe Convenient And Legal Position (SCALP) routine is used when you intend
to stop at the side of the road, it is important to show consideration to
other road users for both their safety and yours.
- Safe
Avoid stopping too close to a junction, this should be a minimum of 10
metres. By not doing this not only are you blocking the junction but you
can potentially become a dangerous hazard.
- Convenient
Consider how you and your passengers will exit the vehicle and try to avoid
parking close to puddles, wet grass, mud, bollards, lamp posts etc.
Consider other road users and try to avoid blocking driveways or opposite a
car parked on the other side of the road as you may cause congestion or block
large vehicles such as Dustcarts or Fire Engines.
- And
- Legal
Make sure that you are stopping in a legal place, avoid...
- Stopping within 10 metres of a junction (this includes on the opposite side of the road)
- Stopping next to a bus stop or in a cycle lane.
- Take note of road markings, e.g. yellow lines, zig zag lines, loading areas etc.
Park the vehicle close to the kerb and parallel to it.
Your wheels should be straight unless on a hill where you should turn them slightly
so that you car would roll into the kerb if your handbrake failed.